at the University of Sopron
physical education
The criterion is the system and regulation of physical education
Physical education is the criterion for all full-time students at the University of Sopron,
for undergraduate (BA, BSc, Undivided) students 4, in Higher Education vocational training
compulsory for students studying for 2 semesters.
Completion of subjects
From the point of view of completing the subject, 14 teaching weeks must be taken into account. In order to complete the course, the student must, in compliance with the requirements of the Student Requirements System, perform physical training and sports with a sustained increase in heart rate for a minimum of 90 minutes 11 times. The student can freely choose the form of physical training from the options offered, but it is recommended to do it once a week. A maximum of 2 physical training sessions per week is acceptable, i.e. a minimum of 11 sessions over at least 6 weeks
complete. Physical training and sports can be completed within the following organizational framework:
In designated divisions of the SMAFC
- In sports associations that have signed cooperation contracts with SMAFC
In the case of sports outside the departmental framework (swimming, running, hiking, cycling).
inspection by a person appointed by the SMAFC association next to -
Certified competitive athlete (selected athlete or other athlete based on individual assessment)
in the case of a cooperation agreement with SMAFC confirmed by a bound association
down the minimum 11 occasions for SMAFC.
List of objects
The announcement of the courses is jointly coordinated by the Institute of Arts and Sports Sciences of the Benedek Elek Faculty of Education and the SMAFC. Each course is assigned a responsible instructor of BPK MÜSI, regardless of the announcing faculty. The subjects are announced during the subject announcement period. The subjects can be taken in any semester. The SMAFC provides the location and time of the physical training sessions to the University of Sopron to announce the courses.
Criterion physical education exemption
It is not possible to request an exemption from physical education for health reasons. In the case of a permanent (chronic) injury, rehabilitation training (physical exercise) is acceptable for the subject of physical education, in the case of an acute injury, the missed weeks can be made up by increasing the number of training sessions. In case of chronic illness or disability, an adequate (adaptive) form of exercise is also acceptable, which also promotes rehabilitation and the improvement of the quality of life. The SMAFC parasport department provides additional opportunities to fulfill the physical education criteria.
The criterion is related to the completion of the physical education subjectinformation can be requested: